A guy ask a girl, can i be your 3 bf?
The girl wonder what is the 3 bf?
Then the guy told the girl :
"I will tell you by the time it come, and with the condition if you let me be"
So the girl accept and then the guy told the first meaning of the BF
which is Best Friend~
So two of them been a best friend for awhile
Then the guy said: "I think now is the time to tell you the second BF"
So the guy confess to the girl and asked to become her Boy Friend
The second BF has been cleared...The girl wonder what is the last third BF that he means
but she never ask because she knew he will tell her when the time came...With the sweet and happily in her mind while thinking of it.
After few years together, there comes the time to marry. The guy propose to the girl and she accepted.
Well they get marry like others and live in together...
The girl wonder why guy never told her the third meaning of BF after so long...So she decided to ask her guy about it.
The answer her guy give her is like this. The third BF of my meaning is Be Forever, and this is what I'm doing now with you~ I'll be with your forever for the rest of my life~ :)
You're Still The One
13 years ago
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