Project 1
Travelling Pavilion, for 2018 Olympic Bid, Winter Games MunichSite: Public space in front of Customs House Sydney
Client: City of Munich and State of Bavaria, South Germany.
In this project, we are ask to design a self-sufficient ‘travelling pavilion’ for Sydney, which will travel to different climatic conditions.There is a focus on sustainability measures, intelligent modular prefabrication systems, public interface and functional performance.The small scale of pavilions gives us the opportunity to experiment with human scale, proportions directly connected to the human body, in a structure that is not a building but a space.
Project BriefThe task is to develop a travelling exhibition pavilion that suits the climatic conditions of very different sites and locations. First, the pavilion will be built in Munich and exhibit the ‘Olympic Bid 2018’ (Winter Games), using models and large boards with images and data. The pavilion will then start to travel round the world, with a first stop in Sydney, where it will be erected for 2 months on the square in front of Customs House (Circular Quay), before it continues to Hong Kong, Tokyo, Shanghai, etc.
Our Design
Paper Tower CityIdea :-
5 Topic of Exhibition :-
- Sport
- Environment
- History
- Venue
- Medals

Customs House at Sydney
Top View
North Elevation
East Elevation

West Elevation

South Elevation
Section A-A

Section B-B
Detail Section 1

Detail Section 2
Perspective View
Montage 1

Montage 2
Conceptual Idea from our schematic design is Sustainable, Self Sufficient, Recycle, Mobility, Prefabrication, and Foldable.

Conceptual Model

Sketches of schematic design
Lecturer : Professor Steffen Lehmann
Designers : Ivan Tham, Richard Tan
Location : Customs House, Sydney
Given Site Area : 100 sqm
Built Area : 78.12 sqm
Project Date : 13.4.2010
Material : Papertube, Plastic
3D Software : Google SketchUp